Friday, February 5, 2010

God Provides......

I'm not against homeschooling, and I hope home schoolers are not against me, but right now I don't feel God has called me to home school. I know there will come a time that we will need to home school, and I believe God will put it on my heart at that time. I truly believe in my heart that Southside is the place where my kids belong. I don't doubt that for a moment. Since I believe that, I also know God would provide, even if that means that I take another job to pay for it. We are truly blessed that right now we have enough for two of the kids to go next year, and I know the money will come in for the third. Again, we are not rich, just very "thrifty" with our money. We could do a lot with this money....a Disney vacation, bigger house, new furniture.....all of which I really want, but I choose to do this. I am so grateful the money has come in and I will be rejoicing when we have enough for the third child comes in!!
We were at Minute Clinic last night with Joshua. He has another ear infection!! No other symptoms. So, we are going to have to go back to the ENT in a couple of weeks to make sure we have no other problems with his ears. (hopefully no more surgeries) This won't stop him from his party.....I just hope the snow doesn't. He was so bummed last weekend, so hopefully we can go on with it now.


Unknown said...

Yeah! I'll be praying and watching for update that says 3 out of 3 are paid for! Hope Josh gets a good report from the ENT!