Friday, February 19, 2010

Proud, proud, proud

Sunday I think my friend Monica tried to jinx us. I'm not sure what she was talking about, but she was telling Joshua it was like having a project, book report, spelling test and math test all in week. Well, in the four day week, Joshua had a book report due, a science project due, and a spelling test, English test and science test all in the same day! (thanks Monica). The science test was basically a lot of the project (same material) and the English test was over writing a book report. Joshua got in the car today and said that he got an A on spelling a 100 on English and 100 on Science!! Whew!! I can't believe it. I was hoping for B's in everything!!! Jacob and Jenna also got 100's on their spelling tests!
I'll post pictures later of his project (I'm having problems downloading my pictures right now), but he did a model of an ear from the flap all the way into the inner ear. My thanks goes to Jack because I didn't even know how to start this, so he gets all the credit! He took cardboard to make the ear, cut a water bottle to make the ear canal. He also had an eardrum. He used pipe cleaners to show the cochlea and other parts. His teacher pulled him aside today and told him he had the best project! (ok Jack...don't get a big head now)


Unknown said...

Don't worry! I won't use homework and attitudes as an example this Sunday! That's quite an impressive science project, though! My Mom would have handed me a blob of clay and said "Go for it!"