Monday, July 12, 2010

Family Fun Fest

Saturday our church put on their annual family fun fest. As always, I enjoyed working with other members of our church. Jack and I worked in the food tent again, and we kept very busy dishing out hot dogs to everyone. I must admit I hated looking at the red hot dogs as everyone knows how I feel about red hot dogs, but it was still fun. Sarah took the pictures of Jenna when she took her group around, and Lauren took some of Jacob while she took that group around. Joshua worked with us and got to play around a lot too.


sara said...

Great pictures! It was a GREAT day! :)

Unknown said...

You do have some great shots!
We had at least three kids at the church who took "that red thing" out and just ate the bun. Others ate it, though they weren't happy about it. I know the Wells kids equate red things with red peppers...if it's red, it's hot. It's funny how we let colors impact our opinions of things, even food!