Sunday, July 4, 2010

God's Provisions

I changed my title from "money saving Monday" to this for the week. (plus I had to throw Jack off because he said "guess it's time for Money saving monday" God has richly blessed this family. First of all I have my regular free things for the week thanks to CVS and polish, Windex, ibuprofen, and chap stick, all for free. Next was something that happened a couple of weeks. After 15+ years my microwave fried. I certainly didn't want the added expense of buying a new one. My brother sweetly let us borrow his until we get a new one (we know what will be on my Christmas list). Next, our gas grill died. (our weed eater and push mower have also died) I realize this is not a necessity, but we do use it a lot. I was thinking about trying to find Jack one for his b-day, and he found one at a yard sale that had only been used once or twice. He was able to snag that up for $50. Finally we wanted to see Toy Story, but I am not paying $40+ for a movie. My mom asked us yesterday if we would like to go, and she is paying, so off we go today for a 4th of July event.

I can see God taking care of us and providing our needs, but I still find myself very scared about the future. It's not easy for me to "tighten up" and I find our family starting to do that. I can cut corners and I can snag bargains, but why do I find myself even worrying about what will happen to us in a few months? I still feel like I treat this like a death sentence and I hate acting like this or even wondering what will happen.