Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jenna and Kit

Jenna loves her American girl doll, Kit. She wanted me to take this picture of her the other day with her doll. I'd love to be able to afford matching outfits.....maybe I can check Craigs List around Christmas and find her one.


Lydia said...

Ebay has them but not sure how much!!!! Jenna is so cute:)

Amy said...

Saw this and had to comment. Laura also has Kit and both girls play with their dolls a LOT!! I figured out that the doll clothes patterns I have for bitty baby will fit the American Girl dolls. This summer, I made jeans and jean capris/bermudas for the dolls. NOTHING fancy, but beats paying big $$. I also made an apron and I'm trying to make some tops- not as easy. I borrowed my mother-in-laws portable sewing machine and went to work. Then, she GAVE me my christmas Present early. My OWN portable simple sewing machine. Woo hoo. NOw, to find time to make more doll clothes. Sew many hobbies, so little time. Give me fabric and I could make some 'jeans' or long shorts.
