Friday, August 21, 2009

The First Week

The first week of school went pretty well. I adjusted to getting up, getting lunches packed, and out the door. The kids enjoyed their first week and all have AWESOME teachers!!! Jenna has come home every day and "crashed". I do hope she will adjust to this. Joshua thinks she needs to stay in preschool since she is so tired!!! Jenna suddenly looks all grown up, especially when she puts on her uniform, and when I see her walk into school with her backpack, and when she waits for me in carpool line.

I have TOTALLY enjoyed my much that I dread going back to work. I get to take my morning walks to myself, clean house, run errands, do whatever I need or want to do. I also have volunteered at school already. I just love this time. I feel when the kids come home, I am so ready and refreshed that I can dedicate the rest of the time to them!!

I dread going back three year old class has 12 this year instead of 10. I know that doesn't sound like much but when you add an extra 2, that can change everything. Not to mention that two of them have mental problems (sorry....don't know how else to put it and I'm not sure if it's autism or something else). My four year old class started out really good, and I was excited but I have lost 4 of the kids already......4 GOOD kids. (including the twins) So, that makes me very sad and very nervous. Plus, I'm going to miss this "freedom" that I have had.....but I know that we NEED the extra money, especially if we are even going to THINK about taking the kids back to school.


There and Back Again ( not a Hobbit's tale) said...

Aughhhh....I'm so sorry we had to bail out! We had no idea that the adoption would run this much and of course silly me never even thinks about the added medical bills. Ah, well- hopefully you wil lget some good kids to replace my boys:)