Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mixed Emotions......

I feel like today is my last free day at home. I've been so busy with appointments, subbing and other things that I haven't had many free days lately. Next week Jenna has a field trip and then the following week the kids are out of school. I thought about just laying around today, but there is so much to do around the house that I can't get it all done.
I'm anxious for school to be out. It means it is time for our beach trip, no more running around in the morning like a crazy person, no more tests to study for, projects to get done. While I'm anxious for the end, I'm also a little sad. I won't have any more days to myself (I'm sure that sounds incredibly selfish) and I don't know what I'll do during the summer to keep the kids occupied/entertained. We don't have a pool membership or any place to go like that. The free movies this summer doesn't look too promising. A lot of them are ones that we have seen or that we have. My mind is blank right now. I hope to come up with some routine or schedule to help me get organized so that we aren't wasting our days. I'm also praying that Jack will be going to Chicago in July and that things will work out for me to go with him.


Unknown said...

:) here's you a "weekly" schedule
Day 1: White Oak Park -kids walk the mile with you, then play on the playground & picnic lunch
Day 2: Visitation Day - visit 2 "shut-ins"
Day 3: Garner Park - Mom & Kids soccer exercises :)
Day 4: Educational Day: weekly trip to the library and other activity (History Museum, Mordecai House, Science Museum, Strawberry Farm, Mrs. Dottie's)
Day 5: HOME! :)

You could also schedule in a day to go to the beach with me. :) We could leave at 7:30am (putting us there at 10) and head home about 3 (that'll put us home in time for supper). Actually, we could probably do that more than once! :)

sara said...

I LOVE Monica's schedule. Visiting shut ins is on our plans for this summer too- Rita and Judy love it when we visit and I am sure there are more- the kids can make little crafts to take to them.

Lydia said...

We love our day trips! The beach, the aquarium, strawberry patch and ice cream at Porter's, zoo.....of course that takes money....

And of course you will hang out with me:) We don't have memberships to anything either....but we do have a large kiddie pool and I'm gonna buy a sprinkler. We could do some water play days?