Friday, May 14, 2010

Sports mom

I think I'm going to get a new license plate that says "sports mom" on it. I must admit I enjoy running around with my kids seeing them compete in sports. I try to stay "calm" but it doesn't work. The main thing I like is that my kids WANT to do this. I'm not pushing them in to anything they don't want to do. Jenna chose soccer over gymnastics. Joshua chose football over soccer (although he would play soccer if I let him). Jacob now has an interest in tennis and I'm trying to find a place for him. I love to see them find something they want to do. Unfortunately we are not a "music" family (although I wish I could get a piano and give them lessons...need a bigger house) and I am definitely not artistic, so I am glad they go with something they are good at. Jenna scored at least one goal in every game but one. She doesn't smile or cheer or gloat. She just kicks it in, walks back and gets ready for the next kickoff. Her season is now over so all we have is football on Saturday mornings.


Unknown said...

You know, I bet Jenna would be great at karate. You always see these cute, quiet girls who are shy like Jenna and then you find out they're a black belt or something. Love the pictures!