Friday, June 25, 2010

Things you don't understand.......

I really struggled this morning for a title to my blog. I just really didn't know what to call it. The kids and I got up early Wednesday and headed out the door for our errands. When I returned home, there was an email from Jack saying something BIG was happening at work and it didn't sound good. A little later I received a phone call from him and he was right. His site is closing. What???? Yes, his site is closing. I've been through two lay offs in my short working career and both of those times you could see it coming. This was not the case. You plug away in life and then God shakes everything up.
I'd be lying if I'd say I wasn't upset. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about the future. I used this as an opportunity to talk to Joshua. I asked him if this was a surprise to God. I asked him if God would take care of us. I asked him if God had a plan.
I must admit at first I really handled this like a death sentance.....ok...we have two more months before we have to stop.........(fill in the blank).
While I am very nervous and anxious and worried, I'm also very excited to see what God has planned for us. He may give us a better position. He may make us trust Him even more....who knows.
Jack has been a rock through the entire thing. If it has bothered him, he hasn't shown it at all. All he keeps saying is that we will be ok and everything will work out. I want to be the same so that I can stand behind him and not bring him down or worry him.
I am truly thankful too. Some of the employees will have to leave in July. Jack is the last to go. It looks like he will be there until December and then of course he will receive a severance package. A lot can happen between now and then. One other thing on my I go back to preschool now and work......especially if she gives me back 5 days......or do I REALLY go out on faith now and work as a sub???? Stay tuned in the next few months to see what God has planned for the McLean family.


Jack said...

I prayed yesterday that God would help me have more faith about an uncertain future and he has done that. We actually have until January 31st of next year until my job ends. God is good and he always provides for us. Many times he provides more that we imagined. In a way it is very exciting to see what he has in store.

Jack said...

This may be God telling me it time to make a run for the NFL or to start an Amway business. Does anyone need any soap? = )

Lydia said...

LOL!!!! Jack is funny- keep that sense of humor!!!! And keep trusting God! One thing that you can be SOOOO thankful for is that you have been good stewards of your finances- I believe that God will bless that!!!! Think of families who are in major debt, have major bills, etc and then lose their jobs- you DO have much to be thankful for!!!!!!

Unknown said...

LOL! I'm sure Joshua would answer Jack's first question with an affirmative YES!
wow...I'll certainly be praying that God will direct you and give you that "peace that passes understanding!"

sara said...

Wow- that is a shock. I will definitely be praying for God's peace too- and for wisdom and direction and provision.

All I can say is- NO AMWAY!!!!!!!! :)

Thanks for your testimony already- what a great lesson for the kids.