Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Football Mom

As a mom, we hold many titles. I am a personal chef, a boo boo healer, a nurse, a banker etc. One of the titles I love is football mom. Yes, it is football season once again. Josh had an incredible game Saturday. He had 6 pulls, and came just a yard or two short of making his first touchdown. The Jets are 2-0 right now. He loves it and I love watching him do something he is so passionate about, so today, I'm proud to be football mom!


Jack said...

Go #15! That's my boy!

Lydia said...

I totally don't get football. I always just cheer when everyone else does since I have no idea what is happening:)

Lydia said...

oh, me that pepperoni pasta bake recipe if you don't mind sharing. That looks like something Rich would like. And check your Oct calendar- y'all are coming to dinner one night:)