Monday, September 20, 2010

Moma bear and her cubs

As a mom I want my kids to experience a lot. At the same time though, I can be protective of my children. In fact, you can mess with me all you want, but leave my "cubs" alone. When I see someone hurting my children, I'm not a very nice person. This came about very recently. Thankfully, my child had no idea that someone was attacking him, but mama bear heard and came to the defense of her cub. I happen to see one kid taking another kid to the side and say "do you like Joshua"? thankfully, the other kid said "yes". The other kid said "I don't" and then started on his war path against him trying to get the other kid not to like Joshua. The "bully" (that's what I'll name him right now) saw me and realized he got caught. He then took the child over to another location so that he could finish. I swear I wanted to shake the life out of the child!! When he was done I went over to him and said "that wasn't very nice at all" and his response was "I don't care". You should have seen momma bear. I was livid (I just love that word). Through other conversations I found out that he was jealous that Joshua was talking to HIS friend (which is also Joshua's friend) and that earlier he had gotten upset by something Joshua did and Joshua stood up to him and for himself, so that also made him mad. I realize that not everyone is going to like my son, and that's just part of life. What gets me is that you have to go and tell another child not to like him just because you don't. The sad part is that even though the parents know what happened, nothing will be done. It will be really hard for me to see this boy's parents again and try to act all friendly to them. Before you start to worry, let me set the record straight and say that this did not happen to any of my reader's children!! I still have to act Christ-like because the parents are not Christians. I was pretty upset about it the entire day. One thing I realized though in typing this is how guilty I am of this. How often do I act this way. "Oh, did you did you hear what "so and so said"......trying to get the other person to join my bandwagon!! I just wish all people of all ages, including myself, would keep their problems with other people to themselves!! Thankfully Joshua has no idea this ever happened!! (although I guess he should experience how cruel this world can be
I remember once when I got treated unfairly and my dad stepped in. While I can't see my dad getting "livid" I will never forget that he went into the highest power for my defense. I will always be a "mama bear" though to my kids......and you better not mess with them or you have to mess with ME!! So how do you feel about this subject? Are you a "momma bear" (or papa bear) or are you calmer and just make that part of "life's lesson"? I guess there really should be a balance I hate to see someone hurting my child!!!


fillup said...

Sept. 21, 2010
Just read your blog. Yes, as mothers we are a mama bear and will protect her children as long as she lives! (no matter how old her children are). Dad laughs yet of when Mark was in high school and playing football. The coach would get a little rough on Mark and the coach would scold him. I didn't like that and told Dad the coach should NOT be talking to my son like that!
I think you handled the situation well. This child that was talking badly about Joshua should be told Jesus woldn't like that. So, we should defend our children. God has just put that into "mothers" but with adults we just shouldn't retalite if one writes bad letters or talking to our face. It only tears down a bridge more. It is hard not to talk back and tell them off, but it doesn't help matters unless they are tearing someone else down.
I don't recall the situation Dad cme to your side, but do KNOW he probably handled it really well, as Dad is SO WISE in areas like that. Also, not only are we mama bears to our children, but NO ONE could talk badly about my husband or write badly as it would be very easy to retaliate, but again, shouldn't, but that would be very hard to do when it came to my husband or my children.

You are a good mother Jennifer and it all leads back that you are a godly mother. Proud of you!!!

Unknown said...

I am most certain that I am a Mama bear, but not just about my kids I find myself taking the same attitude if it is about anybody I love and care for. Wyatt had a similar situation except it was a girl that said she did not like him. Her friend is his so called "girlfriend" and she told the other little girl she would knock her out if she messed with Wyatt. I told them the only reason she was acting like that was because she also liked Wyatt. Now they are all friends. Funny how that happens once you have been called out. P.S. I will go talk to anyone that messes with Josh, Jenna, and Jacob!