Sunday, August 29, 2010

"Hope" chest

Recently I did some re-arranging of furniture and moved Jenna's hope chest into her room. This is very special to me because my dad made it for her. She doesn't quite grasp the concept of a hope chest. She thinks it is a hope chest because her middle name is Hope. She thinks mine is a "Leah chest". I explained to her that every one calls theirs a "hope chest" no matter what their middle name is. I need to find something better to put on top to protect it. Don't you just love the picture of Jenna when she was little next to to her hope chest? (oh to have her that little again)


Lydia said...

I LOVE that story- how Jenna thinks it a hope chest because that's HER middle name. So sweet! Those photos are darling!!!

Unknown said...

That is so special!!! I didn't know her name was Hope, but it does make her "hope" chest even more precious!