Thursday, March 4, 2010

Freezer Cooking Day.....

I started this morning at 8:30 and it's 9:30 and I am done! I made the English muffin pizzas and then I made these "brown bag burritos". I know the picture doesn't look that good, but let me say they smell wonderful. I'm not sure if I'll fix these as a meal or have them handy for lunches. I wrapped each one up in a paper towel and then foil. That way if we want a quick lunch we just have to take the foil off and pop them in the microwave and the paper towel should keep them moist.
One of my goals this year was to do more freezer cooking. I'd love to be one of those moms who spends one day cooking a bunch of meals at one time (some for a month). I have to admit I'm still a little scared about it and still learning because I'm nervous about what to cook, can it freeze, how do I freeze it....etc......but it's a start. I'm also going to make some freezer homemade mashed potatoes, but that has to cook in the crock pot for the day and then put in the freezer.


Unknown said...

Okay, now I'm REALLY hungry! Let me know how the mashed potatoes turn out! Have you tried chili or vegetable soup?

Jennifer said...

I've done the mashed potatoes before.....very good! They're a lot eaiser using the crock pot method too!