Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A New Expeirment......

So I am all about saving money. I decided to try something new this week and see if it works and if it saves me money. This week I wrote down EVERYTHING we were going to have.....breakfast, lunch and dinner. I included snack time for the kids at school as well as what I was packing in their lunch.....that was a hard job. I also had to think about when I had Bible study, when I don't get home till after 3, and when Jenna has soccer practice. I'm going shopping today for 2 weeks!! I want to see if it saves me time and money. I do realize that I will probably go back to get some fruit and milk, but I'm ok with that. I never know how much milk we will go through....sometimes it's a gallon, sometimes more, sometimes I don't want that to go to waste. The same with fruit....I like my kids to have fresh fruit. I may find this to be too much trouble, I may see that it saves me time and money......stay posted in two weeks as I see how our family did. For sake of time and space and boredom from reading, I am only posting the dinner meals....starting today and running until Tuesday, March 23, this is what we will have (Of course I will allow for flexibility)

Chicken casserole
Pizza, salad
appetizer night....sausage dip, quesadillas, cheese fries
meatloaf, potatoes, green beans
twice baked potato, salad
pancakes, eggs, bacon
chicken and dumplings, green beans
chicken nuggets, french fries
steak, cheese fries
baked spaghetti
ribs, corn on the cob, rice
hot dogs/chips


Unknown said...

Thanks, I'm hungry! :)

I'm curious to see how the 2 week shopping goes. I worked in a grocery store in high school, and we had people who came in every single day to buy just stuff for that night's supper, people who shopped once a week, every two weeks, and once a month. I just go when I need to, but I've often wondered if it was better to have a set schedule.

Unknown said...

oh yeah, you've been tagged :)

sara said...

This is so great- Jen Beatty does this and it saves so much time. I would love to try this too and funny enough I actually wrote out a grocery list for 2 weeks. Now you have given me the encouragement to try it!

Jack said...

If I eat and save money at the same time I'm all for it. = )