Friday, October 26, 2007

Happy Homecoming

Jack made it home last night and brought me these beautiful flowers. What a nice surprise! I love the fall colors in them. Jacob was running a low grade fever last night. He is better this morning, but I am going to stay home from work today anyway. I am a firm believer in "24 hours" before they go out and about. I will enjoy having a morning off. I may even take a nap as I haven't slept good in a couple of days.
By the way....does anyone know how to get burnt pop tart smell out of your house? It's driving me nuts! I've tried opening all the windows, but that didn't help!


Unknown said...

Make some coffee, leave the windows open and light a candle?

Oh - but you don't drink coffee! Maybe you can borrow your neighbor's coffeemaker and brew her some coffee in your house. Tell her you want to trade your electricity for her aromatic coffee! LOL