Saturday, October 13, 2007

Saturday Baking and Chores

It's been a busy Saturday. We woke up and went to two community yard sales. Neither one was really big, but we got some books, I got some shorts, Jenna got a video, and I finally found Jacob some jeans for 50 cents each. We came home and I have been busy since. I got two loads of laundry done, vacuumed, mowed the grass, cleaned out Jenna's dresser drawers, and found time to do some baking projects with the boys. (Jenna went to Walmart and the dump with daddy). I am so tired, but I have so much more cleaning I could do. I don't even know where to start. I knew it would be difficult once I started working, but I wouldn't change what I do. I LOVE my job. I hope I can keep it one more year, but we may decide to home school, and then I will not be able to continue. So the pictures are of the boys and their chocolate covered (and white covered) pretzels, and ritz crackers with peanut butter, topped of course with sprinkles!!!