Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The World Wide Traveler

Jack left this morning for Ft. Lauderdale. He has become my world wide traveler lately. I would have loved to go with him as it is a quick trip, and airline prices were very reasonable, but it is so hard to find sitters for the kids. Of course, he will be put up in this wonderful hotel, (more like a resort) as always. It's hard to feel sorry for him (ha ha). This one has a lazy river in the resort, plus all the normal things. He can eat ANYTHING he wants and get reimbursed for every little's like a miniature vacation! He will be back tomorrow night, so it won't be as bad as usual, however, in two weeks, he takes off for Orlando for a few days. It's getting hard to keep up with him, but I am proud of him. He has come a long way in his career since I first met him. He was in a totally different field, but he followed his dreams, worked hard, and worked himself up!

So, the kids and I don't have any plans except for our normal routine. We might make some treats tonight or do something special. It all depends on how well homework goes tonight. Tomorrow, Jacob's class and my class are going to the pumpkin patch for a field trip. It will be very fun and a nice break. We are going to Wilson's Mills Farm right off Hwy 70. They have a little maze, some goats to feed, and then they can take a hay ride and pick their pumpkin.

I'm really excited as we bought fair tickets last night. If you get them early, you can save money. We are actually going on Thursday (next week). Jacob and Jenna are free, Joshua is $1, and Jack and I are taking can goods to get in! Now, how cheap is that!!!! I ordered ride tickets because you save $8 by doing that in advance. We haven't been to the fair since Jacob was a little baby, and I was pregnant with Jenna. I can taste all that food right now!!!


sara said...

Where did you get the tickets? I forgot that the fair was here so soon.