Thursday, October 25, 2007

One of Those Mornings!

I thought I was having a good morning. I woke up a little early, got ready, got Joshua's lunch made, got drinks for breakfast made.....and then it happened. I put in the pop tarts and walked away. A few short minutes later, I smelled something! Somehow the button to the toaster got moved all the way over! My pop tarts burned. I could see smoke coming out of the toaster and then....beep, beep beep....the smoke alarm went off. I put a pillow on that to make it stop, turned on the fans and opened the window. Of course, now I have burnt pop tart to try to get out of the toaster. It also left me scrambling on what to do for breakfast. I guess there is no such thing as a smooth morning!!!! Have a great one!


sara said...

OOOH that would burn pretty bad- burnt icing is not good! :( Hope your day is going better!

Pam said...

We all have these crazy mommy moments, don't we? Wish I had a suggestion on how to get the smell out!