Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Black Friday

Sometimes I get bold and get up early on black Friday. Usually, I only go to Target or Walmart or stores like that which have the best deals. I don't venture out to the mall. I can't wait until the Thursday paper to check the ads and see if it is worth me going out. So, my question for all my readers you go out shopping on black Friday, and if so, do you go out early?????


Unknown said...

I try not to, but if I do go it is not early. It sounds like fun but I can not make myself get up.
You find any good deals you let me know.

Unknown said...

I LOVE your new picture!
I don't get up early to shop. We might get up at our normal work day time so we can shop early. To be somewhere by 6am would require starting everything at 3:30am...just not worth it! Maybe I should hire my brother-in-law to get Bobby up that one morning so I can just get up and go shop!

sara said...

I think I went once. It is just SO crazy! The parking is crazy. I will not go this year, mom leaves that day, so we will go to the airport.