Sunday, April 18, 2010

Money Saving Monday (early)

Thanks Walgreens and CVS for giving me FREE items every week. This week I got two bottles of shave cream, dial soap, Dove shampoo all for free! Also, I scanned my CVS card when I went into the store and it gave me a coupon for $1 off any CVS paper product. I went over and they had toilet paper rolls 2/$1, so with the coupon, I got those free!! How about you.....any good deals for your week?


Lydia said...

Lowes paid me to take a box of Barilla pasta off their hands:) LOVE when the coupon is more than the sale:) Also- got Brownie mix for 3 cents. Does that count as a good deal? It's not healthy and I shouldn't eat it but who can pass up that deal?

Jennifer said...

any time you get deals like that it counts! Yeah!