Monday, January 25, 2010

catching up......

Let's see....last Wednesday was still bad as the autistic boy came back. He was so bad.....spitting, pushing kids down, hurting them. It took 3 of us in the classroom and then my boss ended up calling the dad to have him go home. We thought he was gone for good and that mom and dad got the message, but low and behold he showed up again today. Melody and I could not believe it and our nerves were shot. Melody was in tears and FINALLY my boss told mom it was not going to work and that he could not come back. Either he had to go, or I was that bad!!!
Jack got home Friday night. He was supposed to land at RDU at 4:30....but he got delayed and didn't get home until 12:30!!! Ugh.....just another bump in the road!! He's home, thank goodness and that takes part of the load off of me. Of course I hate hearing about all he got to eat....$100 appetizers, steak dinners, etc....but I keep hoping my time is coming.
Thursday and Friday I subbed for Jenna's class and I LOVED it!!! Her class is so good and Lauren had every little detail for me. I didn't feel like I was working at all! I wish I could do this permanently!!! (I sure wish this would happen......only in my dreams).
Yesterday was church. I enjoyed seeing pictures of the ladies retreat, yet it was hard in a way because it looked like so much fun. I heard about their "small groups" and that bothered me, I must admit. I think I am a little jealous about getting to "bond" with other Christian ladies....something I don't feel I can do at church. I hate that children are just left to run around without parental supervision, so I'm always watching mine and what conversations I do have, are not deep. I really would have loved to get to know some of the ladies better and have them know me too. It looked like a ton of fun. I also heard several people tell me "we talked about you several times this weekend" and yet I can't get anyone to tell me what was said. You know me....I'm a very curious person.
So, I think that catches me up for awhile. Ups and downs...all part of life and I hope I am a stronger person because of it all.


Unknown said...

You put your children first, as it should be. You could have divied them up among people to go on the retreat, but you took responsibility for those precious gifts and lovingly tended them. But as for "bonding" (that word always makes me think of crazy glue), that takes place with time and a willingness to be transparent and criticized...neither of which are easy to do. I understand and agree that doesn't happen at church, but that's why people like to get together outside of church. You can take the initiative there you know! :O)
As for talking about you...I know once we prayed for all the ladies that couldn't come that God will give them a good weekend and that they'd feel his love. Other than that it was little comments like, "Oh, so and so would have enjoyed this..."
And I skipped my diet one night and ate an extra brownie in your honor. :O)