Sunday, January 3, 2010

Things I got accompished over break

Yes, it's official....break is over. I'm not ready to go back. I've enjoyed being at home, and I have gotten a lot accomplished. I dread trying to get up, get everyone ready, fed, and out the door. I'll miss my free time. Here are some things I got accomplished over break:

Christmas decorations taken down and put away
Kitchen totally cleaned and re-organized
Jenna's room and closet totally cleaned out
Consignment sale items (toys and stuff) put together and ready to go (still need to be priced)
Under the bed totally cleaned and re-organized
350+ book read and finished

Jack asked me if I was done with projects. I don't think a woman is EVER done with projects. I know I still need to do the boys room and closet (ugh), the hall closets, my room and closet (ugh) and by then I will think of more things to do.

I've totally enjoyed the two books I have just read.....Christian fiction. I get so into the character that I can't put the book done. I read part one for a "book club" with my friends Heather, Kim and Traci. We met for dinner and then read the discussion questions in the back and had the best discussion. Who knew you could get so much out of a fiction book? So, now we are reading book two in the series and I finished that. I think I'll go over the review questions so that I will totally be prepared for late January or February. The bad part is that book three does not come out until June of 2010 so I would love to start reading some more Christian non-fiction. Does anyone have any good ideas or something I can borrow until June of 2010? I can't wait for it to come out as it always leaves me hanging!!!


Lydia said...

I have tons of Christian non-fiction I can recommend...Dottie has my copy of Francis Chan's Crazy Love but it is SO good. If I get it back from her soon, I'll let you borrow it.

Unknown said...

You are more than welcome to come browse my shelves!

Jack said...

You did get a lot done over the break. Great job honey!