Sunday, January 17, 2010

Joyful J-Walking????

I'm trying to stay true to my blog title, but I swear I could run into a corner and just cry. I'm trying hard to hold it together, but it's so hard right now. If you haven't read my prior post about the week I've that first....then you can see it hasn't gotten much better. This morning around 2 am Jenna woke up sick....I mean sick. Not as bad as Jacob, but more often. Absolutely no sleep from that point on. Joshua woke up (8 am) and the next thing I know he is in the bathroom. I had two of them going at one time, running myself crazy....doing laundry, cleaning buckets, lysoling everything down. I was looking forward to some adult conversation today too! I swear, I can't handle just a 10 minute a night conversation with my husband, and I truly needed the help today. I can't even get out to get the kids sprite or Gatorade, crackers, soup....the things we need when we are sick. They are getting tired of water, but what can I do?
I thought we were turning the corner and just maybe I could get some sleep tonight (and then maybe I wouldn't be so emotional) but Joshua started all over again! Ugh! Not to mention he is so upset about his leg hurting and there is absolutely nothing I can do!! I know between him and Jenna there will not be much sleep tonight either.
Then I fight these bad, bad feelings......thinking after this week I've had (and it started Wednesday so it isn't even over) I DESERVE to get away this weekend for the retreat....I NEED to get away after this week. Then I think of Jack.....sure he's working, but he is in sunny California....he's away from all of this, he can eat WHATEVER and WHENEVER he wants. Oh how selfish I can be!! I know it's just the devil getting me when I'm exhausted. Thankfully there is no school tomorrow as I know Joshua would not be able to go. I think there is light at the end of this tunnel, and I THINK it's not an oncoming train!!!


Jack said...

Praying for you guys. I'm sorry all this stuff is happening. If I could come home early I would. It will by okay. Love you..Jacky

Amy said...

I had no idea!! I dont check blogs regularly. I would've been glad to bring some supplies (sprite, coke, etc.) to your home. PUHLEEEAASE call me next time. We were home Sunday morning and Monday. -Amy N.

sara said...

I feel so bad that I did not read this in time- I wish I would have thought to get you some things at the store.....