Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Proud Mom

God knew I needed a pick me up today. Today the kids got their report cards, and I am so happy with the results. Joshua came up from A/B honor roll to the A honor roll.
Bible A+
Math A-
English B (he only had three grades)
Reading B
Spelling A
Penmanship B+
History A
"Joshua continues to do well academically and he participates in class discussions. Though he is easily distracted, he gets back on track and usually completes his work in a timely manner. I enjoy having him in my class.

Jacob got "A" honor roll as well. Poor little guy has the one B that keeps him from Pastor's List. He even got two A+'s
Bible A
Math A
Phonics A
Reading B
Spelling A+
Writing A+

Jacob continues to make good progress in all areas. He is working harder to show more expression as he reads. Keep up the beautiful writing.

Jenna got Pastor's List.
Bible E
Math S+
Phonics E
Reading E
Writing E

Jenna is doing an excellent job in kindergarten. She is becoming a wonderful reader and she also excels in math. I love having her sweet spirit in class. I am looking forward to her progress next quarter. It is so exciting to watch her learn and grow.


Unknown said...

:O) WHOOHOOO for good reports!

Unknown said...

Way to go KIDS! I knew we had some smart kids!

Jack said...

I'm one proud dad! Chips off the old block eh?