Saturday, November 3, 2007

I'm Back!

Sorry....I don't think anyone missed me, but I haven't had a chance to blog in a couple of days. I don't have any photos to post at this time. I have been very busy. I left preschool early yesterday to go get Mikayla. She sat with Jacob and Jenna while I went to Joshua's school to help. I had a great time in his class. Last night for family night Jack and the kids went to Wendy's with their free coupons and I ran to Target. We went to Kohl's and found some great clearance items. Today we went to about 3 yard sales (we woke up late) and then ran some things over to mom's. Jack and I got an unplanned couple of hours to do some Christmas shopping. I got a good start on Jenna. I am still trying to figure out what everyone wants etc. After that we went and got our free hot dog at the meat sale and then I have been cleaning and catching up. I've had about 3-4 loads of laundry, I went through Joshua's drawers to get out all the summer items (I think fall is here to stay now), cleaned the kitchen etc. It's been a good, busy weekend. Hopefully something exciting will happen next week and I can have more pictures up.


sara said...

I missed you! Thanks for reminding me about the frosty coupons. You never forget a coupon do you, girl!! That is a talent!!!!