Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving Time At Preschool

We've been so busy at preschool. Here are the crafts that we made, and the good thing is that they are so easy....I even supervised them! The beans are a candle and so are these baby food jars with tissue paper!

Here are my 4 year olds getting ready to sing their songs for their parents. Jeremy did not want to do it. He had a fit at me all day. I tried to get him to get in line but he started kicking me and crying, and I don't play that game. Our new boy, Julian, was also gone, but this is the rest of the bunch! We have a great bunch of kids!!!

Next, here is my little Indian. Isn't he cute? Today, Jenna has her "feast" and then we are off to Joshua's school for yet another "dessert feast" Can you count how many pounds are coming on?