Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Little Late

Ok, so I am really late. I bought this from Sara how long ago???? I am just now getting it hung up in my kitchen. I need reminding of this. Thursday I went into Joshua's classroom to help, and the teacher never said thank you. I asked her some questions and she was very short with me, but not in a mean way (if that makes sense). I left very upset because I felt like I wasted my time and was once again doing her work. Then, I get mixed signals. Yesterday about 9 am, I get a phone call and it was Mrs. Johnson calling to check on Joshua. She said she knew he must really be sick for him to miss school. I can't figure the woman out! Oh, and thankfully, Joshua is much better today....right back to his normal self.


sara said...

It looks good in that frame!