Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Experiment

So yesterday was so-so. The kids and I enjoyed Charlotte's Web. They did very well at the movies. We'll have to go to the free ones next week! The kids were a little wild yesterday afternoon. It's one of those days that I needed to get out of the house. It was a "Please More Spirit" day and I didn't feel the greatest. Nothing was going right. I hadn't talked to anyone all day long (except for trying to settle arguments), the grill wouldn't start, and then when I finally did get it to start, it was pouring rain!!! I wanted so badly to "get out" and then T-ball was cancelled (or at least I think it was). Oh well, hopefully today will be better. So, my experiment....I read on Sara's blog about having a clock in the boy's room and telling them they can't get up until a certain time. I went to Target yesterday and got a cheap alarm and set it. I told them it had to be at least 8 before they could get up and do their jobs. I hope it works. My kids want to stay up late, but then they want up at 7 am and then they are cranky all day. I am wondering if my plan will really work. Jenna seems to want to catch a little nap during the day, and last night Jacob said he didn't feel well. He fell asleep at 6:45 and then he slept for 45 minutes. Maybe we should just stay on our normal routine.....a short nap, bed time and wake up at or before 7 am. It's one of those things I am not sure what to do, but I guess I'll try this for a little while longer and see if it works.


sara said...

Let me know how the morning thing works. I have had to start letting them get up at 7:30 because they just wake up SO early and sit in bed staring at the clock! Oh well, at least it isn't 6am!