Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wacky Wednesday

So our Wednesday was a little wacky. Of all days, the kids slept passed 8:30. That would have been fine, except we had a 10 am appt at Sears to get their pictures taken. We made it, and the kids did really good, even Jenna! We stopped by mom's house for a few minutes and then headed home. I let the kids play for awhile and then we did some "art". We made bubble pictures. They loved it and I realize that we need to spend more time like that. I came into my room for a little while to work on something that needed to be done and I let the kids play play doh. Things worked out really well until they decided to grab the salt and pepper shakers and shake them all over the kitchen table. Needless to say I was pretty upset and all the playdoh went into the trash can. I don't know why the kids get so mischievous at times!! Here we had a really good moment of time and then they go and do something crazy like that. I hope today is a little better. We have "art class" at 10 am with Sara and then we are going to use Jen's pool at 1:30.


fillup said...

It was so good to see Joshua, Jacob and Jenna for just a few minutes yesterday. I was not planning ahead, and should have taken you all out for lunch. Sounds like you had fun yesterday until you guys got all wound up. Seems like you were a little wound up here yesterday too??? Ha.

Jennifer, enjoy these times with your kids even though sometimes it becomes "trying." Life is short at its most, and the kids grow up right before your eyes! If more mothers spent time with their children like you do, our world would be so much better and kids not getting into so much trouble. God will bless you for being a stay at home mother and enjoying the blessings God has given you!

sara said...

That looks like a fun art project...see you are crafty!!!