Friday, June 22, 2007

Art Day/Water Day

see, she even had a welcome sign for us!
story time
fun with shaving cream
more fun with shaving cream
Josh's porcupine
Jake's porcupine
Jenna's porcupine
getting ready to paint Jenna at work

Wes' porcupine

Levi's porcupine
Josh at pool

This is what happens when you are tired!!!

Yesterday the kids were so well behaved. Maybe because we had so much to do. They slept until 8:30 which was wonderful. By the time we ate breakfast, got dressed, made the beds and brushed our teeth it was time to go to Sara's for art class. I figured it would be painting a piece of paper, but she was so well organized. She had a story for the kids and then they made porcupines. After that, they took shaving cream and made a mess and tried to make pictures out of it. (and then the house smelled so good!!!) Then, they went outside and painted rocks. Sara is wanting to do this for home schooled kids, and I am a little disappointed that we won't be able to join. I was so impressed on how well she had this organized. The kids loved it and I loved watching. I hope that Sara will let me join in another year or two when we start to homeschool. Sara, I can't tell you how much we enjoyed this and how impressed I was with your organization. You will do a terrific job with this! God gave you a special talent with art and with teaching! Thank you for opening your home to us!!!
Next we came home and ate lunch and it was off to see Jenn and Sam. Thank you guys for letting us come over. We miss you. Joshua had fun in your pool. Hopefully someday Jacob and Jenna will warm up to the water better. The strawberry drinks were wonderul! We had a great time!! Thank you! It was so good to see you!!
I had been motivated to start organizing so I spent a lot of time yesterday going through drawers and organizing stuff and throwing stuff away. I have a long way to go, but it brings such satisfaction trying! I wish we had a bigger house as there isn't much room to put extra things, but maybe someday. I hope to do more today since we will just be at home. Tonight of course is taco night and Jacob's family night. I hope to do something different, but it is his choice!!


sara said...

You took great pictures...and it looks like they had fun at the pool!