Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Messy House

Whew! Have you ever had one of those weeks where you are just mentally exhausted? I feel that way this week. Things have been turned upside down around here. I have been running around like crazy. Yesterday we had Joshua's graduation (see yesterday's pictures), then I had a haircut, then I had to run to Wake Forest to pick up my friend's car and go to DMV and then ran all the way home. I had just enough time to use the bathroom, grab a drink, and we were off to T-ball practice!! Today, my morning started rough as Joshua ate something that didn't agree with him, so I had to really scrub down the bathroom, do 3 loads of laundry instead of 2. I am behind on my work here. You can see by these pictures how bad my pantry and closet look. I thought I would take the before picture so that I can show you the after. I probably wont' get to my closet today though. I will have to admit that my closet is full of stuff for the consignment sale, so I just need to get that organized. Also, my weight check is coming in another week. Let's just do that now and say, I didn't make it. Maybe I'll make September 1st my goal this time.


sara said...

Wow what a mess...Just kidding!!! We missed you tonight!