Monday, April 7, 2008


Jacob had a cowboy theme the other day at preschool. I thought he looked so cute in his outfit. We have the day off of school today. Teacher workday, or so they say. I don't know why they put vacation days so close together. Now we go until the end of May without anything!!! Speaking of Jacob....we are having a problem with him being "silly". He starts getting the giggles and won't stop, even when we are talking serious with him. He just doesn't know when to stop. Last night, I had gotten on him in the car a couple of times and I turned around in my frustration and said "Jacob, how many more times do I have to get on you about many more times does mommy have to spank you before you understand?" Jacob said "I don't know....A LOT". No wonder he gets the giggles. I had to turn around and smirk myself!!


Lydia said...

Hey! How do you get the neat blue wallpaper on your blog? I want to "liven" things up a bit on my blogs but am SO illiterate when it comes to blogging and computer to educate me a bit?

Oh, by the way- I'm trying to get Amy to come to our that I know that you know her, maybe we can bug her to death:)