Friday, April 18, 2008

Super Savings Saturday

I know it isn’t Saturday, but I thought I would post early. I had a great week of sales and deals. (and the week isn't over....I still have yard sales) Here is what I got:

CVS: I got two 12 pack drinks (I know, it’s Diet Pepsi, but it’s free…what can I say?), 2 Johnson Buddy soaps, a pack of gum, and the 4 pack of soap….FREE! Yipee!!! I even got $3 more in ECB’s, and a $3 off $15 purchase!

Next, at Walgreens,( not pictured,) a free gallon of milk, and OJ for $1.80. I still have $2 to spend. They also ran a special on tax day for 15 free digital prints, so I got those for FREE!

On to Food Lion…..I got this bread free. (as you can tell it is almost gone) The coupon was good for bread for $4.99 or up to $4.99 off any bakery purchase. I couldn’t find “expensive” bread so I got some of this sliced Italian bread that was $1.79. (The McLean’s LOVE bread) I figured she would take $1.79 off, but she gave me $4.99 off, so I MADE money! I also got these baby wipes free. The coupon was for $1.50 off any FL wipes, and they were $1.19, so again, I made money!! True, I don’t “need” wipes, but if they are free….get them! I use them for sticky hands around the house, and they are great to keep in the cars.


sara said...

Wow- great deals!!

Lydia said...

Good job! ...and what's wrong with diet Pepsi?! I love all the flavors of diet pepsi and diet coke. I'm one of those weirdos that really doesn't have a preference and can't tell a difference between Coke or Pepsi. I really need to get to Walgreens today and get my freebies!

Unknown said...

So... I keep seeing all this free stuff you get every week, but I don't quite understand how you get them, please explain to another "trying to be trifty mom".

Lydia said... is a good way to start. Is this how you got started, Jennifer?

Jennifer said...

No, I got started by reading other blogs and studying how they do it. Jen, good to hear from you....I'll post this for you on Saturday!