Friday, April 11, 2008

Super Savings Saturday and Family Fun Night

I am posting this a few minutes before Saturday morning. First of all, about my super savings Saturday....I didn't get anything this week. CVS didn't have anything I needed or wanted, so I guess my savings is not spending!!! I did go to yard sale today and got Jacob two nice shirts (one is a Tommy) for really cheap!!! I just love good deals!

The reason I am posting so late and making this my Saturday post is because we just got home. Our family fun night included going to the Durham Bulls season opener. Jack's company got tickets again. I drove to his work, picked him up, and then I stopped by Duke Hospital since we were right there to see a friend. We were still there in plenty of time. The meal was catered to dogs, mac and cheese, hamburgers, fried chicken, more sides, and the best part, Goodberry's ice cream (yum yum). We get our own party deck, so you can move around a lot, which is great for the kids. After that they had fireworks and it was super nice. It made for a long night. I am tired, but I have a full plate this weekend. First of all, tomorrow is Jenna's birthday party. She invited friends from school. Then, we have another b-day party to go to and then Sunday is lunch at church and Jenna's "real" birthday! Whew! Can we slow down a little????


sara said...

Wow that looks like so much fun!!!! Glad you could go!!

Lydia said...

OH, what fun! The kids will really remember that outing for a long time! Thank you SO much for stopping by the hospital- it's been great to see the different faces every day, helps to break up the monotony and is really encouraging to know that people are thinking of Lauren!