Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back To Work

So tomorrow I am back to work. I am not looking forward to it. I hope I get into the swing of things and change my attitude. I have so enjoyed having time alone here at the house....time to work, time to chill, time to run errands etc. It is so hard for some reason to go back. My 4 year old class seems to be pretty good. I have 5 kids from my three year old class from last year who are continuing on in my class. I have one girl from Jenna's class last year. One little boy who is very shy, and two new girls that are totally new. They seemed nice and most of all the moms seemed nice which is half the battle. We did have one girl drop out, so it will be interesting to get another new child in her place. We do have a lot of kids with allergies this year. I don't understand why all these kids have such horrible allergies. I NEVER heard of anyone when I grew up having allergies like this. Two of the kids have to have their moms provide the snack. One has such a bad peanut allergy that it is the matter of life or death! Could you imagine me reading the labels of all the food, and then missing the small words that said "peanut oil" and doing something horrible to this child? The other girl is allergic to all milk products. Wow, it should be interesting!! More on my three year old class tomorrow!


Lydia said...

Hey! How is the 27th, Saturday? For y'all to come over for dinner? Are Saturdays good for you? I know you said Fridays were crazy and that weekdays weren't so good.

I've often wondered about the allergies too. There are so many people with them these days. I think it's because we are SO sanitation conscious that maybe we don't build immune systems like we used to? Maybe?

Lydia said...

Oh! And what is cream cheese chicken? Also, would like your recipe for twice baked potato- have never made that. I think Rich would like.

Unknown said...

I was shocked to find at Easter that almost all chocolate has some form of peanut something in it, even if it's non-nut! (We have at least 1, maybe 2 in jr church with peanut allergies).
Besides, allergies, I don't remember so many children having learning disabilities growing up.