Monday, September 15, 2008

The Science Project-Completed

Joshua's science project is due tomorrow so our goal for the weekend was to get it done.....mission accomplished. I hate having "monkey's on my back". I really wanted it done right away. We got most of it done Friday night and then a big thank you has to go to Jack! He modified a craft I found and made this butterfly. I don't know what I would have done without him. You know I am learning impaired, and I have to have step by step instructions as well as pictures, but he did it.! This butterfly should be ok for Mrs. Harris. All we have to do tonight is glue some wiggly eyes on it, and I am going to get those today from preschool. We also managed to get the yard mowed, vehicles washed and errands run, so we did have a good weekend. I woke up and went to a few yard sales but didn't find anything. It was fun to get back out after many weeks off.


Lydia said...

I haven't been yard "sailing" in forever! I love the butterflies- what a neat things to do a project on.

sara said...

That looks great! I need to get Wes doing a big project like that- I am sure they learn a lot.

jennwa said...

The butterfly turned out great.