Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Day after Christmas

We had a very nice Christmas. It looks like toysrus here in the house! I'll spend today trying to organize the kids toys a little better. I also have to spend this week getting ready for the consignment sale next week. I don't have many clothes to sell this time, but I do have a few toys.

Jenna was so sick yesterday. She had a fever. She was a trooper though. She hung in there and played and opened presents. She is still just laying around today. Jacob woke up saying he didn't feel good. I gave him some Motrin some 7up and some crackers and he seemed to perk out of it. I'll just play nurse today. I don't mind too much as I need to clean this house. I do hope to run to Walmart later today just for some odds and end stuff I need. I am putting a picture of Jack and me and of my sister an brother and me from yesterday.