Friday, December 29, 2006

The Will Store

Here is a funny of Jacob. Yesterday we were running errands and I told him I needed to go by the goodwill store. He kept saying " Mommy....when are we going to Will's house?" I told him we weren't going to Will's house. He said "you said we were going to Will's store house to play"! I guess he thought Will had a store of toys or something!!

Jack is running to Fayetteville today to his brother's house to work on the tires on his car. Jenna and I may run to some stores or even the "goodwill store".

Wednesday night someone came while we were sleeping and stole the car battery from our car. I can't believe something like that happened in our quiet neighborhood. We really should have kept the vehicles locked. It makes you feel so violated. It makes me very scared knowing that Jack leaves for California in two weeks. I worry if they stole something from the outside than they could come to the house next...and then if I am all alone....I don't sleep well as it is when Jack is gone but now I am a little more nervous.