Sunday, December 10, 2006

I am so glad this weekend is over. I got my haircut Saturday so I felt like a pretty princess for two days. Now, I'll have to try it myself. It never looks the same, but hey, at least I was queeen for a couple of days. We had a great time at the company party. It was nice to get out for awhile. Today, however, was just too crazy. Church, lunch, baptism and cantata pratice. I really enjoyed it, however, I am totally exhausted. I was supposed to shop tomorrow with my mom, but I told her, I just need to bounce back, not to mention I have 3 loads of laundry and other misc stuff to catch up on. I kept thinking of the verse tonight on the way home about come unto me all ye who are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest!!! We have a so-so week this week. I have a teachers luncheon tomorrow (even though I am not "officially" a teacher) and Jacob has his program Thursday night, so that is all. It was so nice to be back at BHBC. I so enjoyed seeing all our friends. It brought back so many memories of Jack and I getting married there and everything we went through those 10 years there. I miss the friends there, but we know we are "home now" and are so grateful for the new friends God has brought our way. We can still keep in touch with the ones we are close too, but now we are on a new path. Well, let me get some sleep. It won't be long before the morning routine of rushing kids out of the house will begin once again.


sara said...

I feel your pain...I have about 3 or 4 loads of laundrey too! I hope you have a good day and get everything done!!!