Tuesday, December 5, 2006

I need Jen or Sara to show me how to "blog" the right way!!! Today was pretty busy. I had to work at preschool today and since Thanksgiving things have been crazy. The kids have had TONS of crafts and projects to do and their program to get ready for next week, so I don't get much down time right now. I finally got back to the gym tonight. It felt good to do aerobics. Now if I could only stop eating!!!

Jenna was tired today because she didn't get a nap. She just cuddled with me on the chair...letting me rock her etc. Sometimes things get so crazy that I just need those sweet moments. I realize that they won't be little for long and some day I won't get to do this any more. My baby is 2 1/2 and I miss having the little one already!!! Joshua wanted me to lay down with him for 5 minutes tonight and gain I was reminded a day is coming where he won't let me do that any more.


Unknown said...

Nice job with your new blog! Welcome to a wonderful world. :)

I just LOVE that pic of you and Jake and Jenna. Those are some great smiles!