Friday, December 15, 2006

I am finally feeling better. Whew....what a bug. I took the kids up to 40/42 last night to see Santa. Jacob and Jenna, my little scardy cats, completely screamed and cried. They wouldn't get near the guy!! Jacob is screaming and sobbing all the way to the van. I finally calmed him down and he said "mommy, how will Santa know what I want?" I told him if he did well at the Christmas program, I would write Santa a letter....such bribery we use on our kids!! My "king" did just find. Our Joseph aka Carter, cried and would not go on stage. I thought with all the crying Jacob would join in, but he was a trooper. I think we had about 3 kids crying and would not go up.

Today, we made some holiday goodies. Jacob and Jenna had sprinkles everywhere!!! I am so glad I didn't mop yet. I'll do that when they are in bed tonight as I think I'll do another batch so Joshua can help. I had to stop myself and realize it's ok to get things messy once and awhile, even though I have to clean it up! They won't stay little forever!!


Anonymous said...

I was hoping you would put some pics up of Jacob from last night. He is just too cute, I bet he was adorable. I just love to watch kids programs!