Sunday, February 10, 2008

A House Full of Sick People!

We have a house full of sick people. In the last post I told you Jacob was coughing. Well, Friday in carpool line he started to cry because his "cheek" hurt. I didn't pay much attention to it because I thought it was just one of those things. Well, he wouldn't stop crying and screaming and grabbing his face. I then thought it was his throat. I told him to hang on and we would get Joshua and get some medicine. It was a long 30 minutes in car pool line. Nothing would calm him down, and I was stuck. We ran home and I gave him some cloraseptic. He said, "wow, mom, that worked" whew!!! oops....two minutes later his was grabbing his "cheek" again. I had a feeling it was his ears! I asked him if he wanted to go to the doctor and she wouldn't give him a shot and he said yes! I KNEW he was sick! It was running late to call my pediatrician and try to get him in, so I ran to the minute clinic at CVS. They have a nurse practioner there. We got lucky and walked right in. He didn't have strep, but his glands were swollen. No fever, but he did have a double ear infection! So, he is on antibiotics now. Jenna is coughing and telling me she doesn't feel good. She ran a 102 temp yesterday. I gave her some Motrin and that took her fever away. I haven't felt her today yet (we are staying home from church). Joshua woke up and said his ears hurt, but I know that is probably from all the fluid in them (they are not infected and the surgery will take care of that). Then, I was so cold all day yesterday and achy all over. I don't know if I had some type of flu bug or not. I feel a little better today. I am just tired. Joshua and Jack went on to church today. They kids are going to watch videos from the video store, and I hope to rest and maybe get a little bit of stuff done. At least we are in the mend and there is light at the end of the tunnel!! (and I don't think it is on oncoming train)


Unknown said...

I did miss you yesterday and am praying for you all!!!!!

sara said...

I hope you all get better!! We missed you, although, I was glad that Joshua could be there- he was so good in Jr. Church