Monday, February 25, 2008

A Long Week

It will be a long week. Jack leaves today for San Fran. He'll be back late Friday night. I feel like a single mom when he is gone. It's really hard, especially at night time. I wish I could go Friday too, but it wasn't meant for me to go. I wish I had a painting job to do while he was gone, but maybe a good house cleaning will pass the time away.


Unknown said...

sorry Jack has to leave...
but if you get your house clean and still have time on your hands, you can come clean mine! I'd like to have a month off work just to clean and some tackle unfinished projects - like that's going to happen!

jennwa said...

I hate when my husband is gone too, I especially hate the weekends. I am lucky I have a few friends whose husbands have to travel, so we try to have each other over at least one night for dinner to make the time go faster.

Mark said...

How about "Adventures of the 5 J's" or "J-Walking"