Thursday, May 15, 2008

Just Another Sign That I'm Getting Old

During the last few days of Jacob being sick we have watched a lot of videos. Three Stooges, Scooby, Veggie Tales, Cars, you name it. He really likes his new Scooby DVD. I was talking to the kids on the way to school yesterday about Scooby. I told them that I used to watch Scooby when I was a little girl. Joshua said "Wow, mom, you mean Scooby has been around that long?" I felt like saying "yes, and when I was little I used to walk 3 miles in the snow to get to school"!!! It made me feel very old!
Jacob is better. He is down to a cold right now. He has a bad cough and runny nose. I figured out a trick to get him to take his Motrin....give him gumballs right after....he gobbles up the pills now!!!


sara said...

That is funny! We just watched Scooby-do yesterday. The kids laugh and laugh. It brings back good memories.

Unknown said...

you're not getting old - just wise and experienced!