Saturday, May 10, 2008

Super Savings Saturday and Family Fun Night

Let me start by updating Joshua. (See pictures of previous post). He is still ok. Itching, but fine. He is still broken out on his stomach, back and legs. I'll take him tomorrow because he is not contagious and he hasn't been sick this entire time. I am still looking for any home remedies or any thoughts on how to stop the itching and clear this up! (Joshua won't let me take any more pictures of his rash)

Family fun night....Jack and I worked in the yard. I got on the rider (I love to do this) and he worked in other places. The kids really wanted family night, so we came in and popped popcorn, watched 3 stooges, and then let them have a "slumber party" in our room. I saved the day! They were thrilled! I was glad they were in with me as a bad storm came by. I have never heard so much hail come down. The winds started to blow and I thought we might have to take them in the closet. So all is well.

My super savings Saturday. I had to run to CVS last Sunday after church to get Joshua some Benadryl. I paid for that, and got a 12 pack of Mountain Dew, 3 toothbrushes and 2 toothpastes absolutely free, and I got about $13 in ECB's to use!!! I love this game!!!