Thursday, June 5, 2008

Deals for the Week

I am off to Joshua's school for the day. I am spending the day outside, unless I melt, which could happen. I dread being out in this heat all day! (well 10-2) I thought I would post my deals for the week. I am not done yet, I am going back for more. I got two Dawn dish detergents, a package of band-aids, Listerine kids Smart rinse, reeses 100 calorie snack bars, and 3 chex mixes (one was chocolate and got eaten right away)....all this for free and I am going for more!!


Unknown said...

You go girl!

fillup said...

I didn't think anyone could top Aunt Joyce in getting bargins, but you top her!!! Good work! Keep it up!

Don't get too hot today! The kids and I are keeping cool in the house and watching TV shows for kids and already played two rounds of Old Maid, and will play more later, and watch the video Jacob brought over. So, we are going to stay inside and keep cool and safe. Hope you took some sun block with you! See you and Joshua later. Anyhow, enjoying Jenna and Jacob. Joshua, sometime this summer, you come by yourself and stay with grandpa and grandma. Grandpa went back to work today after being off work Tuesday and yesterday (Wed) for comp days. A good day for him to be at work where it is cool!!

Lydia said...

Wow, good job on the freebies! And why oh why are you out in this heat?