Friday, June 13, 2008

Some New Ideas****revised*****

I wanted to share a couple of things that I have "discovered" that really have helped me. First of all, Jack and I have wanted to spend one on one time with each child to make them feel special. With school, extra activities etc, it was almost impossible. He could do something with each one the first week, and I could the second, but it was getting really difficult. I read this article in Family Fun and tried it and it works. One night each week each child gets a night where they get to stay up 30-45 minutes longer than the other two. They LOVE this idea. We have been doing this for about a month now. They usually pick what they want to do with Old Maid, watch TV, color, read books etc. It doesn't stress us out, and it gives us a great way to spend one on one time with each child.
My second "idea" I started this week. I always planned my evening meals, and grocery shopped around that. My other meals I would just wing it....whatever I felt like. I have posted a full week of menus for all three meals on the fridge. It works great. I don't go scurrying around to find something and the kids (well Joshua) know exactly what we are having. I don't have to keep hearing "mom, whats for dinner"....."what's for lunch". It seems to keep the complaining down too, but then again, I'd complain too with my cooking (ha ha). Happy Friday!

Here is my menu: Our week starts on Wednesday because that is when I get groceries. It is nothing fancy: It has helped me because for lunch I would just let them snack, or I would just grab something at the spur of the moment to make!

Wed bk: poptarts, lunch- frozen pizza (I get the cheap pizza's) dinner, salad & Twice baked potato

Thur: bk: donuts, lunch, cheese quesadillas, dinner, lasagna, garlic bread

Friday: Bk: cereal, lunch: sandwiches (pbj) dinner tacos (what else on Friday night)

Saturday: bk: cereal, lunch: sandwich, dinner (taking Jack out for fathers day)

Sunday: bk: biscuits, lunch my sisters house, dinner, leftovers

Monday: Bk: bacon, lunch, hot dogs, dinner free chick fil a sandwich (monday nights when you take your bulletin in and Jack is out of town anyway)

Tuesday: bk: poptarts, lunch, sandwich, dinner: chicken dish.


sara said...

What a GREAT idea for the one-on-one time! That would be perfect for our boys! Thanks!

I know exactly what you mean about the 3 meals. I do evening meals too- I think I may start this 3 meals a day menu as well! It would make it easier, especially for lunches.

Unknown said...

would you be willing to share a week's menu? I'm looking for kid-friendly recipes and am drawing blanks.

Lydia said...

ooo...great idea for the one-on-one time. I think we'll have to try it out at our house:)
I ran across a blog where the lady posts her weekly menu every week. It gives her blog readers good ideas for meals and also keeps her accountable to actually making the meals. I've been considering doing something like this. The meal I struggle with the most is lunch since it's just me and the kids I want to do easy snacky type stuff.

Lydia said...

WAIT WAIT WAIT - you get a FREE chikfila sandwich for taking in your bulletin from church?! I knew there was a reason I liked them!