Sunday, June 1, 2008

Family Pictures

Saturday afternoon we ventured out to get the kids pictures taken. My membership at Sears expires in a week, and since Jacob had his birthday, it was time to get their pictures done by their "numbers". I started this tradition a long time ago. Anyway, at the last minute, I decided to have Jack and I "jump" in and this way I don't have to do them again until next year. I thought they turned out pretty good. I am not fond of the ones with me in there, but then again, I am never satisfied. I love my family!


sara said...

LOVE the pictures! My favorite one is the kids on the floor- precious!!!!

Unknown said...

I agree with Sara...they're all precious, but your three munchkins on the floor is a wonderful shot! And Josh looks quite tickled in his number 7 picture!

Anonymous said...

These are great pictures! Jenna is getting so big, she is losing that baby face. Aww, I miss you guys!!