Friday, August 22, 2008

Enjoying the Days

This is what my house looks like. I have gotten so many projects done. I could really get used to having time to myself. I've been walking at the park and then coming home to clean, or running errands. I wish I had more time to enjoy this. It makes me not want to go back to work, but I know that in no time I will get attached to my new batch of kids and I know that if we want to even consider going back to SCS next year than I need to do something.....I just like being spoiled I guess!!!


fillup said...

Looks great!!! Wow! I am home all the time, and my house doesn't look this good!!! Yes, once you get back to teaching, you will become attached to the kids very quick. I remember at Jacob's K-4 graduation, all your students coming up and hugging you!

Unknown said...

I totally understand! There's so many projects and things I need/want to do right now that it seems crazy sometimes to go into the office and work on someone else's "stuff" when I could be at home doing my own!
My jaw dropped when I saw Jenna's hair! It's cute, but a big change! What did Jack say?