Thursday, August 28, 2008

I Think My Scale Is Broken......

That's right.....I think my bathroom scale is broken. I keep standing on it and it says the same number no matter what I do. I had lost 6 pounds several weeks ago and somehow gained 2 back and it's been stuck ever since. I've been walking every day for AT LEAST 30 minutes, if not more, and I have really been watching the snacking. Usually I eat a light breakfast and lunch and eat a bigger dinner, but nothing HUGE! It gets discouraging. I would love to see a half pound a week at least, but nothing at all for the past 2-3 weeks????? I just don't get it. Maybe I should be content to be fat and happy!! My favorite show is coming on in a couple of weeks (The Biggest Loser). I have told Jack how I would love to be a contestant on that show. I'd quit the show and be happy after 25 pounds!! Oh well, I guess I'll keep trying!!!


sara said...

You are gaining muscle....have you tried measuring inches? You are probably taking inches off and not even realizing it.

Unknown said...

what Sara said is true; and I also find my cycle plays in to what the scales say. My weight fluctuates up to 4 pounds a few days before. I'm also trying to remind myself that the point of all this is healthy heating and a healthy lifestyle. I didn't get this way in just one month and I'm not going to lose it one month. It's really hard, isn't it?